Hello everyone, and welcome to the page for Mia's Miracles !
While we love our Facebook page, very much, we thought that a blog would offer us more 'space' and opportunity to include more details, and allow us to keep you more informed !
Since we are just getting this page up and running, we'll go ahead and put out a quick run down of 'where we are', and what is going on... ;)
While Mia had been complaining of leg pain for quite some time, and had been waking up in the middle of the night in absolute agony we had been led to believe they were just "growing pains" and were advised not to worry about them. On June 27, 2011, we noticed what looked to be a 'lump' on the inside of her right knee. Not knowing what in the world it was, and just knowing that it had to have something to do with her pain, we took her to Egleston Children's Hospital in Atlanta. After some x-rays and labs, we felt confident ruling out any type of cancerous growth, but her x-rays prompted for more information. After additional x-rays of her pelvis, it was in fact discovered that Mia has Bilateral Hip Dysplasia, and would require surgery. I can't even begin to imagine the pain our sweet girl must have been feeling for 28 mos. as she suffered with 2 dislocated hips. Learning that she had been like this from birth certainly explained a lot of her constant fussiness, late walking, "crooked stance", and random fevers. Our hearts are crushed to know that she's been in such pain for so long. It explains why she would be standing still, and suddenly her little legs would just 'give way' from under her, and down she'd go. It explains why, when she's tired, she'll take 2-3 steps, and fall down. It explains those countless, seemingly endless nights or her being absolutely inconsolable with pain for hours, and the exhaustion she would feel the next day when the pain would ease off and she could finally rest.
As a parent, many of you already know that to watch your child suffer is the worst form of torture for yourself.
One of my favorite little books, called 'Everyone's Way of the Cross', which is used each year for Lent has an amazing line in it, which has always touched my heart, but now resounds within my spirit. At the Station of the Cross where Jesus meets his mother, the book talks about Our Lady seeing her child suffer and the pain she endured with Him. (Your child does NOT suffer, that you don't suffer too!) And, it is at this point that the line appears...."to watch the sufferings of those we love is harder than to bare our own." This so very, very true. Yet, it is from these words, and this Station that I try to find comfort. I know in my heart that our Jesus' sufferings were not in vain and without value, and I don't believe that my Mia's or anyone else's ever is either.
This Tuesday, July 12, 2011 is when we will go and meet with the surgeon to find out details and arrange for the surgery.
Please know, that we draw strength from the love, support and prayers of each and everyone of you !! We include you all in our daily prayers, as well as all those who suffer, particularly the children, in any way.
I promise to update the blog as often as possible, beginning with Tuesday night or Wednesday morning to fill you all in with the details we've learned.
Thank you all so very much for walking this road with us, each one of you is a blessing, and
thank you for being a miracle for Mia !! ;)
Mia's Mommy & Daddy
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