Messages of Love

Please feel free to leave your message of love for Mia here !! ;)


  1. Mia although you and I have never met in person you are my inspriation. I am not sure that I will ever have a baby of my own but through my friendship with your mom, I hope to watch you grow into the amazing woman you will become.I hold a special place in my heart where you have a hand on me. I know with all of our prayers you will get through this! I am not sure what gods plan is at this time but I know it is amazing. Remember you are an angel and loved very much!!!

    Jennifer Mize
    Shelby's Niece

  2. My dear sweet Mia,

    You are truely a miracle. A gift from God! We love you and miss you. I know that our Lord Jesus is holding you close. He will get you through all of this. We are praying for you all. Love you little one and we will be call you soon.
    Cousin Deborah

  3. You are a wonderful ray of sunshine and the room can't help but get brighter simply because you are there. You are our little bundle of strength and joy. We love you very much. We send our prayers to the lord to protect and comfort our miracle through these foreseen times. Bless the parents that made you and know that we have you in our hearts always

    Uncle Vincent
    Aunt Tonya

  4. A special thankyou to your mother who took the time to leave a message on our little angel's blog to make a connection. Our little daughter is the same age as you with the same condition, bilateral hip dysplasia. The past few months have defined our daughter's personality teaching us as parents how amazing these children are. I always say, "Our daughters childhood will not be normal, but it will be memorable" Please feel free to visit her site and share a common bond:

  5. dear little miss Mia,
    This is your neighbor Morgan and i am just letting you know you are such a joyful & beautiful little angel and i am praying for your pain to be taken away and i will bring Alauna to come and see you as soon as you feel up to it!
    best wishes from your neighbors,
    Morgan, Alauna, & Carlos

  6. To Mia:

    I can't wait for the day that you feel ALL better! I know that you are a strong girl and NOTHING will hold you down! You also have an AMAZING mommy and daddy so we all know that you are well taking care of! Here is to you getting all better!
    Kimberly, Andrew & Drew!

  7. Mia, you have the MOST adorable little face and voice. You make me SMILE every time I play your videos. I have shared your story and videos with everyone in my email circle. We pray for you every day. And I watch your video every night - and Il Volo too. Love these special young men.
    Hugs and prayers, Nana Bear from PA

  8. Mia Official Blog Il Volo Brazil loves you!

  9. we love you baby im glad im home i can come see you baby i missed you from ms tina

  10. Un caro saluto da un italiano che vive qui in Germany ...un augurio al piccolo angelo Mia che possa guarire presto ! Dio la benedica ! ....e spero che sarà sempre una fan dei nostri bravi ragazzi italiani IL VOLO ! ...Un abbraccio a Mia e alla sua famiglia !
    Ciao !

  11. Mia, sei davvero un'ispirazione. Ti auguro tantissime belle cose e non smettere mai di cantare e ballare, di essere felice! Un forte abbraccio <3

  12. I found Mia's Miracle by watching and listening to IlVolo, and like them and many others, fell in love with Mia! Living in Central America has not stopped me from sharing the videos with my family and internet friends.... Such an angel has parents who will be blessed always. Mia, I will be praying that you get really well soon. May God always give you, your Mommy and Daddy all his blessings! Siempre estaras en mis oraciones, tu y tu familia, y pedire para que Dios haga sus milagros en ti niña dulce!

  13. Darling Mia
    You are such a wonderful little girl who is so brave. You have such supportive people around you and your remarkable courage is unbelievable You and your family are in G-d's hands and He will guide you to better health. I think Il Volo, Piero, Giunluca and Ignazio has been sent to you as they are angels. Such incredible souls with voices never before and their compassion is very humbling.
    Mia darling you will are in my prayers to help to ease your condition.
    Please mommy and daddy keep us informed - is Mia having another operation this month?

    My fond love to all. Eileen Charnas Durban South Africa

  14. Every time I watch IL VOLO singing "Can't Help Falling in Love with You" to Mia, I notice how present, gentle, and loving they are with her. It is a blessing to see these beautiful teens open their wide hearts to your gorgeous, dear little Mia.

    I pray for Mia's continued improvement and well-being, and I offer my wishes for all the miracles you desire. I myself was just healed from Normal Tension Glaucoma and know truly that anything is possible.

    I have linked to Mia's Miracles blogspot from my Reflections page where I have written a piece about IL VOLO, along with their beautiful song to Mia.

    Gentle hugs and much gratitude for sharing your journey,
    --Jeanine DuBois, Compassion's Doorway

  15. mia voce é uma fofa beijos do brasil!!!!!!
    i love you

    com amor Haudrey

    (de florianópolis SC)

  16. hola Mia, esta demas decirte que sos hermosa, bella y llena de fuerzas, realmente he visto varios videitos tuyos en los cuales me has llenado los ojos de lagrimas, te deceo lo mejor del mundo reina!!!!! Lore

  17. Little Mia. Do you know what your name means? It means "mine" in italiano. So many people care about you so much, they take away pieces. Can I keep a little bit of you close to my heart? The best part is it grows back tenfold.

    P.S. I live in northern Georgia. Go Dawgs!

  18. Hi Mia. :)))))) I'm really glad to see you're doing well! Your smile is absolutely precious sweetie!

  19. Hi again!

    It's been quite some time since I posted a message of love. I just read your beautiful blog again and saw your darling photos, Mia. My heart is full of hope and compassion, love and awe for Mia and all of you.

    I've got a couple special thoughts to support you in your campaign to Finish the Drill!

    Have you watched the YouTube of Celine Dion singing the Gatica Mix of I'm Alive ?? Have you considered making up some words of your own for what happens which makes you sing "I'm alive!" ?
    Very powerful!
    Would you love to hear IL VOLO sing this with Celine? I sure would love to chat with you and with Humberto Gatica about this! (For now, I don't have the contact info., and I don't do social media.)

    Have you considered TAT®, a very simple method for releasing stress, fear, and limiting beliefs? It was a huge piece of my regaining all my vision after glaucoma (3 normal test results now!). Right now I'm using TAT, along with "Love Letters to My Body" (my gratitude method), in reference to a tooth and S.I. healing.

    If you want to know more, you can reach me through my website, Compassion's Doorway. I would love to gift you with a TAT as a thank you for the joy of Mia with IL VOLO. Prayers, meanwhile!

    Knowing God's grace and love are with you always,
    ~ Jeanine DuBois, Compassion's Doorway


We love to hear from you !!! <3