Tuesday, July 29, 2014

I'm SOOO Sorry !!!!!

helloooooooooo my sweet, sweet loves....Team Mia !!!!!  

I am soooooooooooo sorry that I have not done a better job of keeping you updated on the latest and greatest here with Mia. Please forgive me !!!! And, in an effort to explain, I offer two things a) most of what there is to report is both sad and frustrating.... and b ) some days, it's all I can do to keep up with it all. 
I don't want you guys worrying....overall, thanks be to God, she's okay. But, every day her fight is pretty much the same.....exhausting. We do have some really good days, and when we do, we spend all of our time enjoying them. As a result of her hip treatments and her ongoing daily pain, Mia has been diagnosed and is being treated for PTSD. Yet another dragon to be slain. Her treatments are going well, thanks be to God, and her nightmares are slowly starting to fade, as well as some of her anxiety, but it is still going to be "a road". Lots of times (we are learning) that with terrible anxiety issues, one can develop stomach trouble. This is where we are now. Her gastro doctor will (more than likely) be calling for an MRI of her stomach to "see what he can see" about these terrible pains she gets which double her over. That's what was mentioned. She goes back to see him next Wednesday, not sure if the MRI will be before or after that appt. Just wishing we could find out what's happening there. So, for an update and outline of what's coming up, we'll see:

August 6th - Gastroenterologist
Sept. 3rd - Physiatrist
Sept. 10th - Pain Management Team
Sept. 29th - Orthopaedic Surgeon (follow up)

Everyone is trying so hard to get her pain and anxieties under control, but it is hard. We are caught in a terrible cycle, where she needs to go to the doctors to get help, but doing so makes her anxieties worse. We are doing our absolute best to get this done, and believe me when I tell you....Daddy and I will not rest until it is !! She is looking forward to trying to start back to ballet soon, and to starting school !! All next month !!! I'm going to try to scan the pics from her recital several months ago.....they wouldn't let us record it, but I have some pics !! 

We are FOREVER and ETERNALLY grateful for the love, support and prayers that you all give !!!! We NEVER take any of it for granted, and every night we pray for all of you! Each and every night, Mia says the words, "Please, please bless Team Mia! Please bless them as they have blessed us!".....You are covered in prayers and you are loved !!! 

I apologize for the length of this post....'catch up' is never fun, and I will try to do better at keeping you all aware !! When life gets too crazy, please forgive me when I can't keep up. It is NEVER due to a lack of love or appreciation ! We are PROFOUNDLY grateful for each and everyone of YOU....Mia's Miracles !!!!!! 

Thank you for never giving up and for loving us through !
Please remember us in your prayers !!! 
And, please know that you are loved !!! 

With a mother's very, VERY grateful heart !!!!!
Mamma <3

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