Sunday, August 21, 2011

Say You Will....

Say that you'll come with us,
Say that you'll go too
Promise you'll be by our sides
And that you'll pull us through.

Say that she will walk again
and run and jump and dance,
say her pain will all be through
for sure, not just "a chance"

Say that you'll stay with her
in rooms where we can't go
and guide her surgeon's heart and hands,
and that Your peace he'll know.

Say that you will strengthen us
and help us help her heal,
And, say your strong and loving arms
are what we'll always feel.

Say you understand our hearts
our hopes, our prayers, our dreams
and say you'll take away our fears
as hard as that all seems.

Say your love for us is great
say you're in control
say you'll help us turn to you
when 'weakness' takes its toll.

I shouldn't need reminding, Lord
I know you're with us everday
You show your love and 'lift us up'
through those you send our way.

The love that has surrounded us
could only come from you,
Bless them all, Lord, one by one
and let them know we love them too.

We're thankful that you carry us
as "uncertainty" draws near
we know that you will hold us tight
 with you, we need not fear.

Yes, I do believe you'll come with us
and that you will go too
and that you'll be right by our sides
and that you'll pull us through !


  1. He will, Gina, He will be there with you and Mia every moment, and He will hear your every prayer.. Love you, and little Mia...

  2. thank you, Sharleen !!!! :) We love you too !! ;) <3 <3 <3

  3. My, but that is a lovely poem and spiritual gift! Wondered if you are the author - it sure sounds like it, in the context of what is coming up. It is beautiful, Gina. Have been praying already, in preparation, for you!

    My love and hugs and kisses to tiny little Mia! Muwah!! <3

    Linda Carr



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