Wednesday, October 19, 2011

A "complete" song....

This week's life, in order to have a "complete" must have both 'high' notes, and 'low' notes.

All 'high notes', and you get a sound that can almost begin to hurt your ears.  You just can't sustain that for long.  You need to be able to settle back down.  All 'low notes', and the song gets dismal, dreary, and to me just stagnant.  You feel as if it "isn't going anywhere".  It just doesn't do much to lighten your spirit.  If you're really lucky, you get the beautiful sound in between the highs and lows...known as the 'melody'...the thing that carries you through.  I believe that the highs are meant to 'enhance'...the lows are meant to be your foundation, to learn from and build on.  And, the melody is really just the "whole point"!

Our 'highs' come in forms such as that amazing weekend with our Il Volo family, which, I just wrote about in the last post.  They also come from each of "Mia's Miracles", of which, you are one.
Our 'lows' come way too often in the form of pain and suffering for our Mia.

Nights like tonight are a low.  8 weeks out of surgery...8 weeks in this horrible body cast, and still her spasms and pain are unrelenting.  I sit for hours and rub her little leg.  I watch her as she wiggles and moans in pain.  "Are you ok, Mia ?"..."what can Mamma do?"...."just rub me" says her little voice.  "Just stay with me and rub me."  And, so I do.  Willingly.  Gladly.  Anything to ease her pain.  Anything to see her smile.  There were no smiles tonight, just pain and sadness.  As she lay there clutching her "Ignazio" pillow in one hand, and her "Goofy" doll in the other,  I watched as she began to relax and doze off, and, my heart ached.  Please don't misunderstand me here. We, as parents (and every parent I have spoken with whose child has hip dysplasia has said the same thing!) in the grand scheme of things, we are very, very VERY grateful.  We are wise enough to know our blessings.  When it comes to what is wrong with our children, we are grateful that it is, so called, "structural" and can be fixed !!!  And, we, I, thank God everyday for that !!!  The problem is that the 'uncertainty', the 'fear', the 'pain', the 'suffering'... they are all very, very real.  I want so badly to take this from my Mia and do this for her, I could die.  I would die. For her, absolutely. 
However, I can't....and right now, I, Daddy, and each of you have the amazing privilege of being her 'melody'.  The thing that carries her through.

One day, she will be strong enough to sing her own melody, and, while your 'part' may change, you will always have a role to play, and we will always be so grateful and blessed that each of you have chosen to be part of Mia's song.

When you aren't strong enough to be your own 'melody', I believe God gives you those you'll need to help carry you through.  I also believe that you always have that choice for others.  You can choose whether or not to be someone's melody, and carry them through.  You can choose the part you will play in their life.  A 'high', a 'low', or a 'melody'.  "Enhance" , make "dreary", or "carry them through"...always yours to decide. 
Each day, new opportunities.
The fact that you are here is no accident.  You chose to click on her link.  You chose to visit this blog.  By doing so, you chose to be part of her song.  And, your music warms our hearts.

I made this page to share Mia's journey with you.  Sometimes we celebrate.  Sometimes we cry. 
But, all of it, we do together !!!  In perfect harmony.

With a Mommy's "singing with gratefulness" heart,

Saturday, October 15, 2011

A true 'high note'....

A few posts ago, you read all about our Mia's great love, Il Volo !!  I talked of their amazing talent, their gentle hearts, and their kind and loving souls.  This past weekend (Oct.9, 2011), thanks to our dear friends Linda, Annamaria & EMI Vision we had the astonishing gift of being able to attend their concert in Melbourne, FL !!!
At every concert on their North American tour, Ignazio, Gianluca & Piero have dedicated the concert to Mia.  They have shown the most beautiful video of her, their "biggest fan", and the world watches as our girl sings and dances with "her boys".  The video was done about a month before her first surgery, and everytime I see her standing and dancing, it warms my heart.  I know we will get her back to that point one day, and it gives me hope!  After they play the video, Gianluca says, "and, now, Mia, you must be strong and get well."  Piero chimes in with "one day your wings will be strong enough and you will fly to us."  And, Ignazio, with his tender heart always looks so choked up, and begins the Elvis Presley song "I Can't Help Falling in Love with You"...a song they have no way of knowing has always been my favorite Elvis song.  And, so the three of them sing to her.
At the concert this past weekend, it was so nice to hear Ignazio say, "our Mia is here"...and Piero say, "finally your wings are strong enough, you fly to us".  They held her, they kissed her, and they took her heart on an incredible flight !!! Here, I'll let you watch.....

I know.  Simply amazing.

For a brief period, Mia completely forgot her pain.  She forgot her cast.  She forgot all of the ugliness that this whole ordeal has given her.  And, with every ounce of her being....she laughed, she clapped, she sang, and she danced.

You cannot imagine how much I have missed seeing her like this !!!!!

How do you begin to thank Il Volo for the way that they love her? 
How do you begin to show your appreciation for this gift ???
Ignazio, Gianluca & Piero are loved by us for many reasons, but the way they have taken her as their own, worried about her, prayed for her and loved her completely is quite simply, God himself.
These boys are Mia's heroes.  Particularly, her Ignazio.  I do not know if even they realize how, they give her hope.  She draws strength from their love, and they do something for her that I, Daddy and others couldn't at the time....through all of her pain, they made her smile.  I watch her as she watches them, and I am amazed.  Such, a tremendous love from such a little heart. 

Both Daddy and I are so grateful to Il their their managers...their production their fans, and, everyone associated with them !!! They immediately opened their arms, and welcomed us to their family !!!
We will carry you all in our hearts !! <3 <3 <3

A few pictures for you, so that you can share this moment with our Mia.

left:  Mia & Mommy before the concert.    right:  Daddy & Mia after.